As a former newspaper reporter, subeditor and national magazine editor, I have a proven track record in copywriting. If you require words for a website, a press release, a speech, a poster – anything to do with words, I’m your man. I will help you get your message across. With more than 30 years’ experience in media; I offer an affordable service that brings results.
I can also write your website blogs – keeping your website fresh, interesting and at the top of search engines like Google.
Words and copy for:
Websites: if you are thinking of creating a website for your business or organisation, then I can research the relevant key phrases and keywords that will help get your website up the search engine rankings. With these keywords in mind, and a meeting / \ phone conversation, I can write all the copy for your website. My copy will be easy to read and digest, concise and help sell and promote your products or services for your Cornish website.
Press releases: having worked for The Cornishman and The West Briton as a reporter and subeditor, I know how to knock up a good press release – and I also have enough contacts to get the press release noticed. Over the years, I have built up a host of extensive media lists – many in specialist fields.
Blogs and news: website updates are important in keeping your website up in the search engine rankings. From just a few notes, I can write enough ‘proper’ copy to hit the magical 300 words that Google needs to actively rank a page.
Reports and applications: as a trained writer, if you need copy for a grant application then I can help tick all the necessary boxes incorporating industry terminology to make sure you get the results you require. If you’re looking for a report or a progress summary, then give me a call and I can help get your message across.
Let’s start working together
nigel@themediarunner.co.uk© Copyright by Nigel Pengelly // The Workbox, Wharf Road, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 4FG // 07811 154439